Nasce a Lexington in Kentucky il bassista e cantante dei TELEVISION Richard Hell ( Richard Meyer ).

Nasce a Lexington in Kentucky il bassista e cantante dei TELEVISION Richard Hell ( Richard Meyer ).
di Chapman
Is all that you can’t say
Years gone by and still
Words don’t come easily
Like sorry, like sorry
Forgive me
Is all that you can’t say
Years gone by and still
Words don’t come easily
Like forgive me, forgive me
But you can say baby
Baby, can I hold you tonight?
Maybe if I told you the right words
Ooh, at the right time you’d be mine
I love you
Is all that you can’t say
Years gone by and still
Words don’t come easily
Like I love you, I love you
But you can say baby
Baby, can I hold you tonight?
Maybe if I told you the right words
Ooh, at the right time you’d be mine
Baby, can I hold you tonight?
Maybe if I told you the right words
Ooh, at the right time you’d be mine
You’d be mine
You’d be mine…
Nasce a Londra Marc Bolan ( Mark Feld ) cantante, chitarrista e autore dei T. REX.
di Brown, Andrews, Sanderson, M.Walst, B.Walst, Stock
Here’s to being human
All the pain and suffering
There’s beauty in the bleeding
At least you feel something
I wish I knew what it was like
To care enough to carry on
I wish I knew what it was like
To find a place where I belong, but
I am machine
I never sleep
I keep my eyes wide open
I am machine
A part of me
Wishes I could just feel something
I am machine
I never sleep
Until I fix what’s broken
I am machine
A part of me
Wishes I could just feel something
Here’s to being human
Taking it for granted
The highs and lows of living
To getting second chances
I wish I knew what it was like
To care about what’s right or wrong
I wish someone could help me find
Find a place where I belong, but
I am machine…
Nasce a Tulsa, in Oklahoma, la cantante St.Vincent ( Anne Erin Clark ) vincitrice di 2 Grammy Awards.
29-09-1969 : Jon Auer
28-12-1950 : Alex Chilton
04-12-1952 : Jody Stephens
30-10-1968 : Ken Stringfellow
12-01-1951 : Chris Bell
26-01-1951 : Andy Hummel