Archivi dell'autore:daniele ceccolini
13-08-1974 Nasce Sam Endicott.
Nasce il cantante e chitarrista dei THE BRAVERY Sam Endicott.

12-08-1980 : Daxx Nielsen
23-01-1953 : Robin Zander
22-12-1948 : Rick Nielsen
09-05-1950 : Tom Petersson
22-02-1954 : Jon Brant
12-06-1950 : Carlos Bun
13-08-1996 Esce per la Epic la raccolta in 4 album dei CHEAP TRICK “Sex, America, Cheap Trick” che comprende 17 inediti.

12-08-2012 Allo spettacolo conclusivo delle Olimpiadi di Londra partecipano Annie Lennox, Brian May, Roger Taylor, MUSE e Nick Mason.
11-08-1973 Esce nelle sale il film di George Lucas “American graffiti” con una colonna sonora epica: Bill Haley, Buddy Holly, BEACH BOYS, Chuck Berry, PLATTERS, Fats Domino.
10-08-2004 Esce per la EMI America l’album dal vivo degli INCUBUS “Live in Malaysia 2004”, registrato a Kuala Lumpur a marzo.
09-08-1968 Nasce Sam Fogarino.
Nasce a Filadelfia Sam Fogarino, batterista degli INTERPOL.

08-08-1994 LIVE FOREVER
di N.Gallagher
Oh yeah
Maybe I don’t really wanna know
How your garden grows
‘Cause I just wanna fly
Lately, did you ever feel the pain
In the morning rain
As it soaks you to the bone?
Maybe I just wanna fly
Wanna live, I don’t wanna die
Maybe I just wanna breathe
Maybe I just don’t believe
Maybe you’re the same as me
We see things they’ll never see
You and I are gonna live forever
I said maybe I don’t really wanna know
How your garden grows
‘Cause I just wanna fly
Lately, did you ever feel the pain
In the morning rain
As it soaks you to the bone?
Maybe I will never be
All the things that I wanna be
Now is not the time to cry
Now’s the time to find out why
I think you’re the same as me
We see things they’ll never see
You and I are gonna live forever…
07-08-1965 Nasce Johnny Solinger.
Nasce a Dallas Johnny Solinger, cantante dal 2000 degli SKID ROW.