Archivi dell'autore:daniele ceccolini
02-01-1985 Nasce la tastierista dei LORDI, Hella.
02-01-1999 EVERY MORNING
Di Ray, Kahne, Bean, Zarate, Tellez
Every morning there’s a halo hangin’ from the corner
Of my girlfriend’s four-post bed
I know it’s not mine but I’ll see if I can use it
For the weekend or a one-night stand
Couldn’t understand
How to work it out
Once again as predicted, left my broken heart open
And you ripped it out
Something’s got me reelin’
Stopped me from believin’
Turn me around again
Said that we can do it
You know I wanna do it again
(Every morning) oh
(Every morning when I wake up)
(Shut the door, baby, don’t say a word)
Oh (she always rights the wrong)
Oh (she always rights, she always rights)
(Shut the door, baby, shut the door, baby)…
01-01-1954 Nasce Richard Edson, primo batterista dei SONIC YOUTH.
31-12-1979 Nace Bob Bryar dei MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE.
31-12-1973 Esce per la Island la compilation dei FREE “The Free story”; il doppio sarà disco d’argento in UK.

29-12-1980 Esce per la Island il secondo album di Steve Winwood “Arc of a diver”; sarà disco di platino in USA e Canada.
![Steve Winwood – Arc Of A Diver – Vinyl (LP, Album, Stereo), 1980 [r699476] | Discogs](https://i.discogs.com/yimzfZk_fKiHJwidPg-KOsnfCyf1ItablFZ2EXtKhPA/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTY5MDY1/MC0xNjM0NzA4MDMx/LTg0NDUuanBlZw.jpeg)
28-12-2012 Esce il singolo dei BAUSTELLE “La morte (non esiste più)”; il video viene pubblicato il 7 gennaio sul sito del Corriere della sera.

27-12-1944 Nasce Mick Jones dei FOREIGNER.
25-12-1976 Nasce Tuomas Halepainen dei NIGHTWISH.