Nasce a Erie, in Pensylvania, Chris Vrenna batterista con NINE INCH NAILS e con Marilyn Manson.

Nasce a Erie, in Pensylvania, Chris Vrenna batterista con NINE INCH NAILS e con Marilyn Manson.
Nasce a Madison, in Florida, Scott Phillips batterista con i CREED e ALTER BRIDGE.
di Bowie
They pulled in just behind the bridge
He lays her down, he frowns
Gee my life’s a funny thing, am I still too young?
He kissed her then and there
She took his ring, took his babies
It took him minutes, took her nowhere
Heaven knows, she’d have taken anything, but
All night
She wants a young American
Young American, young American, she wants the young American
All night
But she wants the young American
Scanning life through the picture window
She finds the slinky vagabond
He coughs as he passes her Ford Mustang
But Heaven forbid, she’ll take anything
But the freak, and his type, all for nothing
Misses a step and cuts his hand, but
Showing nothing, he swoops like a song
She cries, “Where have all Papa’s heroes gone?”
All night…
Nasce a Aberdan, nello stato di Washington, Kurt Cobain, cantante, chitarrista e autore dei NIRVANA. Per la rivista Rolling Stone è il miglior artista degli anni ’90.
Nasce a Vancouver il batterista Daniel Adair con i 3 DOORS DOWN e dal 2005 con i NICKELBACK.