Archivi dell'autore:daniele ceccolini
29-07-2008 Esce per la Steamhammer il diciottesimo album di Alice Cooper “Along came a spider”, in due brani hanno collaborato Slash e Ozzy Osbourne.

29-07-1991 ENTER SANDMAN
di Hammett, Hetfield, Ulrich
Say your prayers little one
Don’t forget, my son
To include everyone
Tuck you in, warm within
Keep you free from sin
‘Till the sandman he comes
Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight
Exit, light
Enter, night
Take my hand
We’re off to never-never land
Somethings wrong, shut the light
Heavy thoughts tonight
And they aren’t of Snow White
Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Dreams of dragon’s fire
And of things that will bite
Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight
Exit, light
Enter, night
Take my hand
We’re off to never-never land…
Concerti del 29 luglio
29-07-1976 : Ravenna – Edoardo Bennato
29-07-1980 : Napoli – Stephen Stills
29-07-1993 : Buenos Aires – Poison
29-07-2011 : Roma – Slash
29-07-2013 : Roma – Blur
29-07-2014 : Gardone Riviera – The National
29-07-2016 : Assago – Sting
29-07-2017 : Amsterdam – U2…
28-07-1943 Nasce Richard Wright.
Nasce a Londra Richard Wright fondatore dei PINK FLOYD, tastierista e compositore.

28-07-1973 Si svolge nella pista automobilistica di Watkins Glen ( New York ) il “Summer Jam” con ALLMAN BROTHERS BAND, GRATEFUL DEAD e THE BAND, partecipano 600.000 spettatori.
28-07-2015 Esce l’album “Words + Actions” dei THE ANIMAL IN ME.

28-07-2015 RESTLESS
di Sumner, Gilbert, Cunningham, Morris, Chapman
What can you buy
That lifts a heavy heart up to the sky?
What makes your day?
What miracle of life
Has come to stay?
A taste of love
So sweet, so real you can’t let go
And how does it feel?
It feels so good
But how much do you need?
How much, how much do you need?
How much do you need?
How much, how much do you need?
I want a nice car
A girlfriend Who’s as pretty as a star
I want respect
As much, as much as I can get
But how much do you need?
How much, how much do you need?
How much do you need?
How much, how much do you need?
Concerti del 28 luglio
28-07-1981 : Genova – John Mayal
28-07-1990 : Torino – Rolling Stones
28-07-2001 : Dallas – Eagles
28-07-2011 : Milano – Slash
28-07-2013 : Roma – Roger Waters
28-07-2014 : Roma – Bluevertigo
28-07-2017 : Mantova – Sting
28-07-2018 : Vinci – Epica…
23-12-1972 : Morgan
18-10-1971 : Andy Fumagalli
07-01-1970 : Sergio Carnevale
17-04-1973 : Livio Magnini
…………1965 : Marco Pancaldi…