Archivi dell'autore:daniele ceccolini
30-06-1980 Esce per la Emi l’ottavo album dei QUEEN “The game”, sarà disco di platino in USA, Polonia e Argentina.

di Jones, Biggs
God save the sex pistols they’re a bunch of wholesome blokes
They just like wearing filthy clothes and swapping filthy jokes
God save television keep the programms pure
God save William Grundy from falling in manure
Ronnie Biggs was doing time until he done a bunk
Now he says he’s seen the light and he sold his soul to punk
God save Martin Boorman and nazis on the run
They wasn’t being wicked God that was their idea of fun
God save Myra Hindley God save Ian Brady
Even though he’s horrible and she ain’t what you call a lady
Ronnie Biggs was doing time until he done a bunk
Now he says he’s seen the light and he sold his soul to punk
Ronnie Biggs was doing time until he done a bunk
Now he says he’s seen the light and he sold his soul to punk…
Concerti del 30 giugno
30-06-1966 : Tokyo – Beatles
30-06-1982 : Milano – Rory Gallagher
30-06-1987 : Padova – Marillion
30-06-2008 : Verona – Santana
30-06-2012 : Milano – Alice Cooper
30-06-2013 : Roma – The Nationals
30-06-2014 : Milano – ZZ Top
30-06-2018 : Villafranca di Verona – Megadeth…
29-06-1948 Nasce Ian Paice.
Nasce a Nottingham Ian Paice, batterista dei DEEP PURPLE e poi con WHITESNAKE.

29-06-1968 Si svolge a Londra a Hyde Park il primo Free Rock Festival con PINK FLOYD, JETHRO TULL, Roy Harper e TYRANNOSAURUS REX.
29-06-1993 Esce per la Chrysalis il quinto album di Billy Idol “Cyberpunk”; nell’album una cover di “Heroin” dei VELVET UNDERGROUND.

29-06-1979 LOVE OF MY LIFE
di Mercury
Love of my life, you’ve hurt me
You’ve broken my heart and now you leave me
Love of my life, can’t you see?
Bring it back, bring it back
Don’t take it away from me, because you don’t know
What it means to me
Love of my life, don’t leave me
You’ve stolen my love, you now desert me
Love of my life, can’t you see?
Bring it back, bring it back (back)
Don’t take it away from me
Because you don’t know
What it means to me
You will remember
When this is blown over
Everything’s all by the way
When I grow older
I will be there at your side to remind you
How I still love you (I still love you)
I still love you…
Concerti del 29 giugno
29-06-1989 : Pistoia – Van Morrison
29-06-1996 : Londra – Eric Clapton
29-06-2004 : Padova – Slipknot
29-06-2013 : Milano – Bon Jovi
29-06-2015 : Roma – Bob Dylan
29-06-2015 : Verona – Mumford & sons
29-06-2017 : Madrid – Aerosmith
29-06-2018 : Villafranca di Verona – Nothing More…
28-06-1977 Nasce Mark Stoermer.
Nasce a Houston il bassista dei THE KILLERS Mark Stoermer.