Archivi dell'autore:daniele ceccolini
15-05-1987 Esce per la Elektra Records “Girls, girls, girls” il quarto album dei MOTLEY CRUE che sarà disco di platino in Canada e USA.

15-05-1970 ALL RIGHT NOW
di Fraser, Rodgers
There she stood in the street
Smiling from her head to her feet
I said hey, what is this
Now baby, maybe she’s in need of a kiss
I said hey, what’s your name baby
Maybe we can see things the same
Now don’t you wait or hesitate
Let’s move before they raise the parking rate
All right now baby, it’s all right now
All right now baby, it’s all right now…
Concerti del 15 maggio
15-05-1971 : Londra – Pink Floyd + Faces
15-05-1993 : Lisbona – U2
15-05-1996 : Casalecchio di Reno – ACDC
15-05-1997 : Milano – Blur
15-05-2010 : Bologna – Yngwie Malmsteen
15-05-2012 : Bologna – Lostprophets
15-05-2014 : Mosca – Korn
15-05-2018 : San Francisco – MGMT…
04-01-1956 : Bernard Summer
27-01-1961 : Gillian Gilbert
13-02-1956 : Peter Hook
15-05-1972 : Tom Chapman
28-10-1957 : Stephan Morris
07-12-1974 : Phil Cunningham…
14-05-1943 Nasce Jack Bruce
Nasce in Scozia, a Bishipbriggs, Jack Bruce bassista dei CREAM e con Manfred Mann.

14-05-1988 La Atlantic Recors per celebrare il 40° organizza un evento di 13 ore a cui partecipano anche i LED ZEPPELIN con alla batteria Jason Bonham.
14-05-1982 Esce per la Epic Records il quinto album dei THE CLASH “Combat rock”, sarà disco di platino in USA.

di Young
“Be on my side
I’ll be on your side, baby
there is no reason
for you to hide
it’s so hard for me
staying here all alone
when you could be
taking me for a ride.
Yeah, she could drag me
over the rainbow
send me away
down by the river
I shot my baby
down by the river
dead, oh, shot her dead.…
Concerti del 14 maggio
14-05-1965 : San Francisco – Rolling Stones + Byrds
14-05-1971 : Cleveland – Poco
14-05-1985 : Roma – The Smiths
14-05-1987 : Milano – Manowar
14-05-1996 : Bolzano – ACDC
14-05-2016 : Assago – Muse
14-05-2017 : Kansas City – Soundgarden
14-05-2022 : Milano – Skunk Anansie…