06-05-1970 Esce per la Epic Record il secondo album dei POCO intitolato “Poco”; il disco è stato registrato a Hollywood a gennaio.

di Goodman, Nowell
Let me tell you about a girl I know
Had a drink about a hour ago
Sitting in a corner by herself, in a bar in downtown hellShe heard a noise and she looked through the door
And saw a man she’d never seen before
Light skin, light blue eyes, a double-chin and a plastic smile
Well, her heart raced as he walked in the door
And took an empty seat next to her at the bar
“My brand new car is parked right outside
How’d ya like to go for a ride?”
And she said “Wait a minute I have to think”
He said, “That’s fine. May I please buy you a drink”
One drink turned into three or four and they left and got into his car
And they drove away someplace real far
06-05-1967 : Nelson – Jimi Hendrix + Cat Stevens
06-05-1976 : Londra – PFM
06-05-1990 : Londra – Soundgarden
06-05-2003 : Casalecchio di Reno – Peter Gabriel
06-05-2005 : L’Avana – Audioslave
06-05-2005 : Londra – Cream
06-05-2015 : Roma – Blind Guardian
06-05-2017 : Buenos Aires – Linkin Park…
Nasce a Kettering, in Inghilterra, il sassofonista dei FAMILY Jim King.
di Brock, Green, Judy
I’m the same as I was when I was 6 years old
And oh my God I feel so damn old
I don’t really feel anything
On a plane, I can see the tiny lights below
And oh my God, they look so alone
Do they really feel anything?
Oh my God, I’ve gotta gotta gotta gotta move on
Where do you move when what you’re moving from
Is yourself?
The universe works on a math equation
that never even ever really ends in the end
Infinity spirals out creation
We’re on the tip of its tongue, and it is saying
We ain’t sure where you stand
You ain’t machines and you ain’t land…
05-05-1968 : Long Beach – Buffalo Springfield
05-05-1975 : Modena – Orme
05-05-1987 : Milano – Neil Young
05-05-2004 : Bologna – The Vines
05-05-2004 : Firenze – Incubus
05-05-2007 : Cordoba – Motorhead
05-05-2016 : Quebec City – Pearl Jam
05-05-2018 : Torino – New Order…
08-04-1942 : Roger Chapman
07-07-1947 : Rob Townsend
26-05-1943 : John Palmer
09-03-1946 : Jim Cregan
26-04-1944 : John Whitney
05-05-1942 : Jim King
01-11-1946 : Ric Grech
21-04-1947 : John Weider…
Nasce a Terre Haute, in Indiana, il chitarrista dei MOTLEY CRUE Mick Mars.