Archivi dell'autore:daniele ceccolini
11-06-2002 Esce per la Epic il quinto album dei KORN “Untouchables” , disco di platino in USA e Australia; lo stesso giorno esce anche il singolo “Here to stay”.

09-06-1973 Il singolo di Elton John “Crocodile rock”, uscito in ottobre, è in testa alla classifica dei 45 giri in Italia.
08-06-1982 Esce per Scotti Bros. il terzo album dei SURVIVOR “Eye of the tiger” che contiene il brano del film “Rocky III”; sarà disco di platino in USA, Canada e Australia.

07-06-1994 Esce per la Atlantic il secondo album dei STONE TEMPLE PILOTS “Purple”; sarà disco di platino in USA, Australia, Canada e Nuova Zelanda.

24-05-1960 Nasce Guy Fletcher.
Nasce a Maldstone, nel Kent, il tastierista dei DIRE STRAITS Guy Fletcher.

21-05-1983 “Billie Jean” di Michael Jackson è al numero 1 dei singoli in Italia; la rivista Q la eleggerà miglior canzone degli anni 80.
08-05-1995 MADE IN ENGLAND
di Toupin , John
I was made in England out of Cadillac muscle
I had a quit-me father, had a love-me mother
I had Little Richard and that black piano
Oh that sweet Georgia Peach and the boy from Tupelo
Oh, I was made in England
Oh, I was made in England
I was made in England out of Cadillac muscle
Face down on a playground crying God send me a brother
Not a bloody nose for Rock and Roll
Give me that sweet Georgia Peach and the boy from Tupelo
Oh, I was made in England
Oh, I was made in England
I was made in England like a blue Cortina
But a Yankee summer had a way about her
You had a scent for scandal, well here’s my middle finger
I had forty years of pain and nothing to cling to
Oh, I was made in England
Oh, I was made in England
If you’re made in England, you’re built to last
You can still say ‘homo’ and everybody laughs
But the joke’s on you, you never read the song
They all think they know but they all got it wrong
Oh, I was made in …
26-04-2005 Esce negli USA per la Columbia il trentesimo album di Bruce Springsteen “Devils and dust”, disco di platino in Irlanda e d’oro in 11 paesi; l’album completamente acustico è stato il primo senza la E STREET BAND.

24-04-1978 Esce per la Epic il terzo album dei CHEAP TRICK “Heaven tonight”; sarà disco di platino in USA e Canada.