Archivi dell'autore:daniele ceccolini
18-04-1975 Esce per la London Records il quarto album dei ZZ TOP “Fandango” in parte registrato dal vivo, contiene il brano “Tush”; sarà disco di platino in Canada e d’oro in USA.

di Kennedy, Marshall, Tremonti, Phillips
The misery I know
Like a friend that won’t let go
Is creeping up on me now once again
So I sing this song tonight
To the ghost that will not die
And somehow it seems to haunt me till the end
Do you feel the same
For what was remained
Yesterday is gone, we can’t go back again
Do you ever cry for the ghost of days gone by
I remember summer days
We were young and unafraid
With innocence we’d glide beneath the stars…
Concerti del 18 aprile
18-04-1965 : Parigi – Rolling Stones
18-04-1968 : Roma – Pink Floyd
18-04-1972 : Roma – Genesis
18-04-1975 : Roma – Area
18-04-1976 : San Antonio – Electric Light Orchestra
18-04-1987 : Tacoma – Nirvana
18-04-2014 : Baton Rouge – Three Days Grace
18-04-2015 : Assago – Negrita…
17-04-1943 Nasce Roy Estrada.

Nasce a Santa Ana, in California, il bassista Roy Estrada che ha suonato nei MOTHERS of INVENTION di Frank Zappa.…
17-04-2004 La chitarra Mosrite Gospel Mk 4 di Kurt Cobain, viene venduta all’asta a Dallas per 100.000 dollari durante l’evento “Annual Guitar Show”.
17-04-1973 Esce per la Asylum “Desperado” il secondo album degli EAGLES, sarà disco di platino negli USA, d’oro in Canada e d’argento in UK vendendo più di 2 milioni di copie.

17-04-2010 ROCKET SKATES
di Carpenter, Cunningham, Moreno, Delgado, Vega
You’re red, soaking wet.
I’m right next to you.
You’re red, soaking wet.
Lets writhe, let me see you trip.
One move that will keep you wet.
Lets fall in a long sadistic trance.
Put the keys in our hands.
Guns. Razors. Knives.
(Fuck with me)
Guns. Razors. Knives
You’re red soaking wet.
I’m right next to you.
You’re red, soaking wet.
Lets sail in this sea of charms.
Lets drown underneath the stars.
Lets drink with our weapons in our hands.
Lets sleep
in this trance.…
Concerti del 17 aprile
17-04-1990 : Roma – David Bowie
17-04-1995 : Southern on Sea – Oasis
17-04-2001 : Rimini – Coldplay
17-04-2003 : Vicenza – Mastodon
17-04-2005 : Nonantola – Interpol
17-04-2007 : Roma – Genesis
17-04-2010 : Milano – Sum 41
17-04-2012 : Milano – Epica
16-04-1947 Nasce Lee Kerslake.

Nasce a Vinton, in Inghilterra, il batterista Lee Kerslake che ha suonato con gli URIAH HEEP e con Ozzy Osbourne, soprannominato “The bear”.…