Nasce a Manchester il bassista dei THE SMITHS Andy Rourke.

Nasce a Manchester il bassista dei THE SMITHS Andy Rourke.
Nasce a Sacramento in California il cantante dei DR. HOOK Billy Francis.
Nasce a Jacksonville, in Florida, Ronnie Van Zant cantante dei LYNYRD SKYNYRD.
di Ocasek
I’m not the one
That you’ll be shootin’ for
I’m not the one
Who’s coming back for more
(You know why)
We’ve been through this so many times
(You know why)
It’s never clear it’s pantomime
Goin’ ‘round and ‘round
‘Cause you can’t get on your feet
Goin’ ‘round and ‘round
Still takin’ all the heat
Goin’ ‘round and ‘round
Never lettin’ down…