24-10-1946 Nasce Jerry Edmonton.
Nasce a Oshawa, in Canada, Jerry Edmonton batterista degli STEPPENWOLF.

Concerti del 23 ottobre
23-10-1985 : Scandicci – Marillion
23-10-1986 : Cleveland – Rem
23-10-2003 : Assago – David Bowie
23-10-2008 : Milano – Leonard Cohen
23-10-2009 : Londra – Green Day
23-10-2010 : Torino – Suprtramp
23-10-2015 : New York – Blur
23-10-2016 : Padova – Explosions in the Sky…
23-10-1982 WHITE WEDDING
di Idol
Hey little sister, what have you done?
Hey little sister, who’s the only one?
Hey little sister, who’s your Superman?
Hey little sister, who’s the one you want?
Hey little sister, shotgun
It’s a nice day to start again
It’s a nice day for a white wedding
It’s a nice day to start again
Hey little sister, who is it you’re with?
Hey little sister, what’s your vice and wish?
Hey little sister, shotgun, oh yeah
Hey little sister, who’s your Superman?
Hey little sister, shotgun
It’s a nice day to start again
It’s a nice day for a white wedding
It’s a nice day to start again
Pick it up
Take me back home, yeah
Hey little sister, what have you done?
Hey little sister, who’s the only one?
I’ve been away for so long (so long)
I’ve been away for so long (so long)
I let you go for so long
It’s a nice day to start again, come on
It’s a nice day for a white wedding
It’s a nice day to start again…
23-10-1968 Esce per la Fonit Cetra il primo album dei NEW TROLLS “Senza orario e senza bandiera”: i testi dei brani sono firmati anche di Fabrizio de Andrè.

23-10-1990 L’album “Back in black” degli ACDC viene certificato disco di diamante; il disco ad oggi ha venduto più di 50 milioni di copie.
23-10-1949 Nasce Wurzel.
Nasce a Cheltenham, in Inghilterra, Michael Burston chiamato Wuzel chitarrista dei MOTORHEAD.

Concerti del 22 ottobre
22-10-1978 : Londra – Van Halen
22-10-2000 : Chicago – Rise Against
22-10-2004 : Milano – The Hives
22-10-2005 : Porto Sant’Elpidio – Litfiba
22-10-2006 : Austin – Rolling Stones
22-10-2006 : Milano – Slayer
22-10-2014 : Los Angeles – Ligabue
22-10-2015 : Firenze – Verdena…
22-10-1984 ACES HIGH
di Harris
There goes the siren that warns of the air raid
Then comes the sound of the guns sending flak
Out for the scramble we’ve got to get airborne
Got to get up for the coming attack
Jump in the cockpit and start up the engines
Remove all the wheel-blocks there’s no time to waste
Gathering speed as we head down the runway
Gotta get airborne before it’s too late
Running, scrambling, flying
Rolling, turning, diving, going in again
Running, scrambling, flying
Rolling, turning, diving
Run, live to fly, fly to live, do or die
Won’t you run, live to fly, fly to live, Aces high.…
22-10-2002 Esce il quarto album dei FOO FIGHTERS ” One by one “; sarà disco di platino in USA, UK, Canada e Australia e nel 2004 vincerà un Grammy Award.