10-10-1969 Esce il primo album dei KING CRIMSON “In the court of Crimson King”, sarà disco di platino in Canada e d’oro in USA, UK e Italia.

Nasce a Denver Brandon Barnes, batterista dei RISE AGAINST.
09-10-1975: Buffalo – Fleetwood Mac
09-10-1978: New York – Jehtro Tull
09-10-1989 : Milano – Marillion
09-10-1997 : Assago – Phil Collins
09-10-2000: Dublino – Coldplay
09-10-2008: Milano – Sonic Youth
09-10-2013: Anaheim – Bon Jovi
09-10-2016 : Reading – Disturbed…
di Bono, the Edge, Mullen , Clayton
The heart is a bloom, shoots up through stony ground
But there’s no room, no space to rent in this town
You’re out of luck and the reason that you had to care,
The traffic is stuck and you’re not moving anywhere.
You thought you’d found a friend to take you out of this place
Someone you could lend a hand in return for grace
It’s a beautiful day, the sky falls
And you feel like it’s a beautiful day
It’s a beautiful day
Don’t let it get away …
Nasce a Chiswick, Londra, John Entwistle bassista degli WHO; Rolling Stone lo mette al primo posto tra i bassisti di tutti i tempi.
di Horn, Squire, Anderson, Rabin
Move yourself
You always live your life
Never thinking of the future
Prove yourself
You are the move you make
Take your chances win or loserSee yourself
You are the steps you take
You and you – and that’s the only wayShake – shake yourself
You’re every move you make
So the story goesOwner of a lonely heart
Owner of a lonely heart
Much better than a
Owner of a broken heart
Owner of a lonely heartSay – you don’t want to chance it
You’ve been hurt so before
20-07-1964: Chris Cornell
20-08-1968: Ben Shepherd
04-09-1960: Kim Thayil
28-11-1962: Matt Cameron
13-04-1961: Hiro Yamamoto
07-03-1951: Scott Sundquist…