Archivi della categoria:03-10-2024
07-01-1980 : Ivan Moody
08-01-1973 : Jeremy Spencer
15-05-1978 : Zoltan Bathory
03-10-1970 : Jason Hook
21-05-1974 : Chris Kael
12-02-1985 : Charlie Engen
15-05-1981 : Andy James…
di Hodgson , Davies
So, you think you’re a Romeo
Playing a part in a picture show
Well, take the long way home
Take the long way home
‘Cause you’re the joke of the neighborhood
Why should you care if you’re feelin’ good?
Well, take the long way home
Take the long way home
There are times that you feel you’re part of the scenery
All the greenery is comin’ down, boy
And then your wife seems to think you’re part of the furniture
Oh, it’s peculiar, she used to be so nice
When lonely days turn to lonely nights
You take a trip to the city lights
And take the long way home
Take the long way home
You never see what you want to see
Forever playing to the gallery
You take the long way home
Take the long way home
When you’re up on the stage, it’s so unbelievable
Oh, unforgettable, how they adore you
But then your wife seems to think you’re losing your sanity
Oh, calamity, is there no way out?…
03-10-1980 Esce per l’etichetta A&M il terzo album dei POLICE “Zeniatta mondatta”; sarà disco di platino in USA, UK, Francia e altri 3 paesi.

03-10-1954 Nasce Stevie Ray Vaughan.
Nasce a Dallas il cantante e chitarrista Stevie Ray Vaughan.

03-10-2015 Muore a Roma a 68 anni il chitarrista e trombettista Rodolfo Maltese, per più di 30 anni con il BANCO del MUTUO SOCCORSO.
Concerti del 3 ottobre
03-10-1981: West Hollywood – Ratt
03-10-2004: Montreal – The Hold Steady
03-10-2008 : Milano – Stephen Stills
03-10-2009 : Napoli – Rick Wakeman
03-10-2010: Atene – U2
03-10-2017 : Norfolk – Rise Against
03-10-2017 : Roma – Marillion
03-10-2018: New York – Bruce Springsteen…
03-10-2000 Esce il sesto album dei GREEN DAY “Warning”; sarà disco di platino in Italia, Canada, Giappone e Australia.

03-10-2003 Esce il film “School of Rock” con Jack Black, ha incassato più di 130 milioni di dollari; il film è stato premiato con un “British Comedy Award” e un “MTV Movie Award” nel 2004.
03-10-1962 Nasce Tommy Lee.
Nasce in Atene, da padre americano, Tommy Lee, batterista dei MOTLEY CRUE, vero nome Thomas Lee Bass.
