Archivi della categoria:04-01-2025
04-01-1984 LOOKS THAT KILL
di Sixx
Now listen up
She’s razor sharp
If she don’t get her way
She’ll slice you apart
Now she’s a cool, cool black
She moves like a cat
If you don’t get her name
Well you might not make it back
She’s got the looks that kill, that kill
She’s got the looks that kill, that kill
She’s got the look
Now she’s bulletproof
She keeps her motor clean
Oh, and believe me, you
She’s a number thirteen
The clock strikes midnight
She’s lookin’ louder and louder
She’s gonna turn on her juice, boy
Well then she’ll turn on her power
She’s got the looks that kill, that kill
She’s got the looks that kill, that kill
She’s got the look
She’s got looks that kill
She’s got the look
04-01-1983 Esce per la RCA il secondo album degli EURYTHMICS “Sweet dreams (are made of this)”; sarà disco di platino in UK e Canada e disco d’oro in USA e Germania.

04-01-1991 I NIRVANA firmano un contratto con la Geffen Records: i destini della band cambieranno per sempre.
04-01-1956 Nasce Bernard Sumner.
Nasce a Salford, in Inghilterra, Bernard Sumner, cantante, chitarrista e autore con JOY DIVISION e poi con NEW ORDER.

04-01-1960 Nasce Michael Stipe.
Nasce a Decatur, in Georgia, Michael Stipe, voce e chitarra dei R.E.M.

04-01-1966 Per la prima volta Nico prova con i VELVET UNDERGROUND.
04-01-1967 Esce per la Elektra Records”The doors” il primo album dei DOORS ; sarà disco di platino in USA, UK, Germania, Francia e Canada.

Concerti del 4 gennaio
04-01-1967 : Bomley – Jimi Hendrix
04-01-1969 : Glastonbury – Ten Years After
04-01-1973 : Milano – Area
04-01-1977 : Varese – Perigeo
04-01-1979 : Torino – PFM + Fabrizio de Andrè
04-01-1980 : Libreville – Bob Marley
04-01-1987 : Washington – Ramones
04-01-1996 : Dallas – Korn…
04-01-1960 : Michael Stipe
31-07-1958 : Bill Berry
30-09-1970 : Bill Rieflin
06-12-1956 : Peter Buck
17-12-1958 : Mike Mills…