Archivi della categoria:04-09-2024
04-09-1963 Nasce Sam Yaffa.
Nasce a Espoo, in Finlandia, il bassista dei NEW YORK DOLLS Sam Yaffa (Sami Takamaki ).

04-09-1984 Esce per la Emi il doppio dal vivo di Pino Daniele “Sciò”, con registrazioni dall’82 all’84.

di Leiber, Stoller
The warden threw a party in the county jail
The prison band was there, and they began to wail
The band was jumpin’, and the joint began to swing
You should’ve heard them knocked out jailbirds sing
Let’s rock
Everybody, let’s rock
Everybody in the whole cell block
Was dancin’ to the Jailhouse Rock
Spider Murphy played the tenor saxophone
Little Joe was blowin’ on the slide trombone
The drummer boy from Illinois went crash, boom, bang
The whole rhythm section was the Purple Gang
Let’s rock
Everybody, let’s rock
Everybody in the whole cell block
Was dancin’ to the Jailhouse Rock
Number forty-seven said to number three
“You’re the cutest jailbird I ever did see”
“I sure would be delighted with your company”
“Come on and do the Jailhouse Rock with me”
Let’s rock
Everybody, let’s rock
Everybody in the whole cell block
Was dancin’ to the Jailhouse Rock
Sad Sack was sittin’ on a block of stone
Way over in the corner weepin’ all alone
The warden said, “Hey, buddy, don’t you be no square
“If you can’t find a partner use a wooden chair”
Let’s rock
Everybody, let’s rock…
04-09-1960 Nasce Kim Thayil.
Nasce a Seattle il chitarrista e fondatore dei SOUNDGARDEN Kim Thayil.

04-09-2000 Muore per una insufficienza renale ed epatica, all’età di 53 anni, il bassista dei SANTANA David Brown.
04-09-2001 Esce per la American Recording il secondo album dei SYSTEM OF A DOWN “Toxicity”, sarà disco di platino in USA, UK, Italia e altri 4 paesi.

Concerti del 4 settembre
04-09-1972 : Las Vegas – John Lennon
04-09-1984 : Londra – Queen
04-09-1996 : Oleggio – Nevermore
04-09-2005 : Bologna – The Bravery
04-09-2010 : Roma – Guns’ n Roses
04-09-2010 : Bologna – Blink-182
04-09-2012 : Chicago – Stone Temple Pilots
04-09-2015 : Torino – U2…