Archivi della categoria:12-10-2024
12-10-1981 Esce per la Island il secondo album degli U2 “October”; sarà disco di platino in USA e in UK.

12-10-1956 Nasce Dave Vanian.
Nasce a Hemel Hempstead, in Inghilterra, il cantante dei DAMNED Dave Vanian (David Lett).

12-10-1997 Muore a 54 anni John Denver, precipita con il suo aereo a Monterey in California; nella sua carriera ha vinto 3 American Music Awards e 2 Grammy.
27-02-1980 : Cyrus Balooki
09-03-1981 : Chad Gilbert
04-09-1977 : Ian Grushka
29-09-1979 : Steve Klein
12-10-1979 : Jordan Pundik…
Concerti del 12 ottobre
12-10-1980 : San Diego – Van Halen
12-10-1985 : Roma – Venom
12-10-1989 : Milano – Cream
12-10-2003 : Milano – Finger Eleven
12-10-2004 : Milano – Papa Roach
12-10-2006 : Napoli – Napoli Centrale
12-10-2010 : Chicago – Fly Leaf
12-10-2011 : Roma – Alice Cooper
12-10-2015 I WAS ME
di Platzman, McKee, Sermon, Reynolds
It’s just another day
It’s just another year
“One step at a time”, they say
“One trip, and you’re back that way”
I don’t recognize these eyes
I don’t recognize these hands
Please believe me when I tell you
That this is not who I amIf I recover, will you take me back again?
I’m just another, trying hard to fit right in
But my photographs remind me of who I used to be
If only I could go back when I, I was me
12-10-1993 Esce per la Columbia l’album dal vivo dei TOTO “Absolutely live” a conclusione del Tour Kingdom of Desire.

12-10-1966 A Londra si formano i JIMI HENDRIX EXPERIENCE; il bassista degli ANIMALS Chas Chandler, dopo aver notato Hendrix negli USA, lo fa arrivare in Inghilterra e gli affianca Noel Redding e Mitch Mitchell.
12-10-1972 Nasce James Dewar.
Nasce a Glasgow James Dewar bassista della ROBIN TROWER BAND.