Archivi della categoria:16-08-2024
20-03-1972 : Alex Kapranos
16-08-1980 : Bob Hardy
20-06-1985 : Julian Corrie
08-05-1972 : Dino Bardot
…………1987 : Audrey Tait
15-09-1976 : Paul Thomson
13-12-1974 : Nick McCarthy
16-08-1949 Nasce Scott Asheton.
Nasce a Washington il batterista dei THE STOOGES Scott Asheton.

16-08-1989 Esce per la Emi il quarto album dei RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS “Mother’s milk” , sarà disco di platino in USA e d’oro in Canada.

16-08-1943 Nasce Shel Shapiro.
Nasce a Londra Shel Shapiro, cantante dei THE ROKES, una delle principali band provenienti dall’Inghilterra di musica beat in Italia.

16-08-1977 Muore a Memphis a 42 anni per attacco cardiaco Elvis Presley THE KING, il “Re del rock’n roll”. Nella sua carriera ha venduto un miliardo di dischi.
16-08-2011 Esce per la Secretly Canadian il secondo album dei THE WAR ON DRUGS “Slave ambient”; le foto della copertina sono state scattate a Saragozza.

16-08-2005 SAVE ME
di Battaglia, Smith
Can’t you hear me screaming once again?
Voices you can’t hear
Because you are consumed and in content
With everlasting greed
Don’t you see me on my hands and knees?
Begging and bleeding
You’re smiling as you bite the hand that feeds
But we’re not foreseen
Always wanting what your eyes can’t see
Feeling what your arms can’t reach
Thinking you are in need
Always hearing what your ears can’t hear
Feeling what your arms can’t touch
Thinking you are incomplete
It was never enough that I gave to you
All of the horror that you’ve put me through
But I cannot make up my mind this time
This is where I will draw the line…
Concerti del 16 agosto
16-08-1971 : Fano – Genesis
16-08-1979 : Rimini – New Trolls
16-08-1997 : Pittsburg – Joe Walsh
16-08-2000 : Toronto – Red Hot Chili Peppers
16-08-2010 : Berlino – Anberlin
16-08-2015 : Budapest – Limp Bizkit
16-08-2017 : Edmonton – Metallica
16-08-2022 : Padova – Fontaines d.c.…