Archivi della categoria:18-02-2025
di Hartley, Blackburn, Turney, Campbell
As you climb up the stairs and come back forever
Summer’s in the house, untamed it was
Walking with thee
Walking with thee
Walking with thee
Walking with thee
untamed it was
Walking with thee
Walking with thee
Walking with thee
Walking with thee
No No No nonononono
A million joys, a million joys here
You could set your watch, how untamed it was
Walking with thee
Walking with thee
Walking with thee
Walking with thee
nononono no no no no no no no
As you climb up the stairsand come back forever
Summer’s in the house, oh untamed it was
Walking with thee
Walking with thee
Walking with thee
Walking with thee…
18-02-1985 Esce in UK per la Virgin il terzo album di Phil Collins “No jacket required”; sarà disco di platino in 13 paesi vendendo più di 25 milioni di copie.

18-02-1953 Nasce Robbie Buchman.
Nasce a Winnipeg, in Canada, il batterista dei BUCHMAN TURNER OVERDRIVE Robbie Buchman.

18-02-2012 I CRANBERRIES sono ospiti alla serata finale del Festival di Sanremo e cantano “Zombie” e “Tomorrow”.
16-10-1943 : Fred Turner
27-09-1943 : Randy Bachman
18-02-1953 : Robbie Bachman
01-08-1951 : Tim Bachman
09-12-1955 : Randy Murray
23-07-1950 : Blair Thornton
01-05-1949 : Jim Clench…
18-02-1947 Nasce Augusto Daolio.
Nasce a Novellara, Reggio Emilia, il cantante e cofondatore dei NOMADI Augusto Daolio.

18-02-1990 Ultima apparizione pubblica di Freddie Mercury al Dominion Theatre di Londra durante i Brit Awards: i QUEEN ricevono il premio alla carriera.
18-02-1977 I DAMNED pubblicano per l’etichetta Stiff Records il primo album punk della storia “Damned, damned, damned”.
Concerti del 18 febbraio
18-02-1977 : New York – Kiss
18-02-1992 : Milano – Pearl Jam
18-02-2001 : Atlanta – The Jealous Sound
18-02-2005 : Berkeley – Fuked up
18-02-2006 – Assago – The Bravery
18-02-2006 : Rio de Janeiro – Rolling Stones
18-02-2011 : Roma – Goblin
18-02-2014 : Trezzo sull’Adda – Trivium