23-11-1983 Esce per la MCA la compilation degli WHO “Who’s greatest hits”; negli Usa venderà più di 2 milioni di copie.

Nasce a Halmstad, in Svezia, il chitarrista degli ARCH ENEMY Christopher Amott.
09-05-1971 : Paul McGuigan
29-05-1968 : Noel Gallagher
23-06-1965 : Paul Arthus
04-06-1971 : Tony McCarroll
21-09-1972 : Liam Gallagher
07-12-1966 : Gem Archer
11-08-1970 : Andy Bell
26-05-1972 : Alan White…
A Ocala, in Florida, nasce Tom Denney chitarrista degli A DAY to REMEMBER.
di Araya, Hanneman
A soldier’s heart
Reflecting back at me
I keep seeing mutilated faces
Even in my dreams
Distorted images
Flashing rapidly
Psychotically abusing me
Devouring my brain
The eyes of the insane
On a demented campaign
Tortured spirits Will not let me rest
These thoughts of mutilated faces
Completely possessed
Fragmented images
Flashing rapidly
Psychotically abusing me
Worming through my head
23-11-1975 : Baltimora – Edgar Winter Group
23-11-1995 : Cesena – Radiohead
23-11-2002 : Pesaro – Oasis
23-11-2012 : Rio de Janeiro – Creed
23-11-2013 : Milano – Bastille
23-11-2013 : Casalecchio di Reno – Placebo
23-11-2015 : Assago – Imagine Dragons
23-11-2018 : Padova – Bryan Adams…