Archivi della categoria:26-02-2025
26-02-1947 Nasce Rodolfo Maltese.
Nasce a Orvieto Rodolfo Maltese, chitarrista, trombettista e compositore del BANCO DEL MUTUO SOCCORSO.

26-02-1981 Esce per la Columbia il settimo album dei JUDAS PRIEST “Point of entry” registrato in Spagna, sarà disco d’oro in USA e d’argento in UK.

26-02-1995 A Pensacola, al Civic Center, Jimmy Page e Robert Plant danno inizio al loro “No quarter tour” con un concerto di beneficenza a favore di Second Harvest.
04-07-1943 : Alan Wilson
26-02-1943 : Bob Hite
25-12-1944 : Henry Vestine
26-06-1942 : Larry Taylor
08-02-1946 : Adolfo de la Parra
11-03-1945 : Harvey Mandel
16-04-1949 : Dale Spalding…
26-02-1932 Nasce Johnny Cash.
Nasce a Kingsland, in Arkansas, il cantautore e chitarrista Johnny Cash chiamato “The man in black”, nella sua carriera ha venduto 90 milioni di dischi.
26-02-2011 “We are the champions” dei QUEEN viene dichiarato il brano più suonato negli eventi sportivi americani.
26-02-2007 Esce in Italia per la Magic Circle Music il decimo album dei MANOWAR ” Gods of war”; sarà disco d’oro in Russia.
26-02-2002 TOO BAD
di Kroeger
Father’s hands were lined with dirt
From long days in the field
And mother’s hands are serving meals
In a cafe on Main Street
With mouths to feed…
Just tryin’ to keep clothing on our backs
And all I hear about…
Is how it’s so bad, it’s so bad
It’s too bad, it’s stupid,
Too late, so wrong, so long
It’s too bad we had no time to rewind
Let’s walk, let’s talk
Let’s talk
You left without saying goodbye,
Although I’m sure you tried
You call the house from time to time
To make sure we’re alive
But you weren’t there
Right when I needed you the most
And now I dream about it…
And how it’s so bad, it’s so bad…
Concerti del 26 febbraio
26-02-1973 : Sydney – Rolling Stones
26-02-1976 : St. Louis – Queen
26-02-1980 : Dublino – U2
26-02-1992 : New York – Dire Straits
26-02-1996 : Madrid – Blur
26-02-2002 : Inglewood – Eagles+Elton John+ John Fogerty
26-02-2016 : Liverpool – Lynyrd Skynyrd
26-02-2022 : Firenze – Pineapple Thief…