Archivi della categoria:27-09-2024
27-09-2007 David Lee Roth inizia a Charlotte il tour in Nord America dei VAN HALEN; il gruppo si esibirà in Canada e negli Stati Uniti fino a luglio 2008. Il cantante aveva lasciato la band più di venti anni prima.
27-09-1943 Nasce Randy Bachman.
Nasce a Winnipeg, in Canada, il chitarrista, cantante e autore, Randy Bachman con THE GUESS WHO e BACHMAN-TURNER OVERDRIVE.

27-09-2005 Esce per la Rykodisc “In space” il quarto album della band di Memphis BIG STAR registrato agli Ardent Studios.

27-09-1947 Nasce Meat Loaf .
Nasce a Dallas il cantante Meat Loaf (Marvin Lee Aday), nella sua carriera venderà 50 milioni di dischi.

27-09-1997 Bob Dylan suona a Bologna per Papa Giovanni Paolo II in occasione del Congresso Eucaristico davanti a 400.000 persone.
27-09-1994 Esce per la RCA il primo album della DAVE MATTHEWS BAND “Under the table and dreaming”; negli USA venderà 6 milioni di copie.
di Buck, Mills, Stipe
It’s quiet now and what it brings is everything
Comes calling back a brilliant night
I’m still awake
I looked ahead
I’m sure I saw you there
You don’t need me to tell you now
That nothing can compare
You might’ve laughed if I told you
You might have hidden your frown
You might’ve succeeded in changing me
I might’ve been turned around
It’s easier to leave than to be left behind
Leaving was never my proud
Leaving New York never easy
I saw the light fading out
Now life is sweet and what it brings
I tried to take
The loneliness it wears me out
It lies in wait
And on a loss still in my eyes
Shatter a necklace across your thigh
I might’ve lived my life in a dream
But I swear this is real
Memory fuses, and shatters like glass
Mercurial future forget the past…
Concerti del 27 settembre
27-09-1971 : Hiroshima – Led Zeppelin
27-09-1996 : Casalecchio di Reno – Tina Turner
27-09-2006 : Colonia – Disturbed
287-09-2008 : Torino – R.E.M.
27-09-2008 : Calgary – Motorhead
27-09-2012 : Firenze – Iggy and the Stooges
27-09-2014 : Chicago – Cage the Elephants
27-09-2018 : Dubunque – Sick Puppies
19-02-1975 : Daniel Adair
10-03-1978 : Matthew Roberts
13-07-1985 : Justin Biltonen
27-09-1978 : Brad Arnold
01-12-1971 : Greg Upchurch
12-11 : Chet Roberts…